July: First Board of Directors Meeting
August 27th: Forever Kings Inc is recognized as an official organization and 501c3
September 22nd: Original Kings Program First Meeting (12 Members)
November 15th: Launch Party
November 16th: Men Of Honor - Grant Recipients
January 3rd: First Lunch N Learn w/Brian Lamb
February 23rd: First Kings Kickback Community Event
February 29th: Jordan wins Community Investor Award
March 4th: School Based Program Begins at Hamilton County Math and Science Academy
March 2020 - June 2020: Pivot to COVID-19 Relief
June-July 2020
June 25th - June 29th: First Kings Retreat at Woodland Lakes Retreat Center (16 Participants)
June 30th: 4 High School Seniors Graduate
July 9th 2020: Sign Lease for 1st Kings Palace at 7357 Brookcrest Drive, Cincinnati OH 45237 (1,300 Square Feet)
August 16th: Kings Palace, Ribbon Cutting / Building Dedication
August: Hired 4 part-time staff
September 1st: Distance Learning Hub Opens at KP
September 3rd: Season 2 Begins
May 1st: 4 Kings Graduate
May 1st: 1st GarnerFamily Scholarship Recipients (Gabriel Dubois and Jireh Burton)
June 17th - 19th: Second Annual Kings Retreat (65 Participants)
June 28th: Moved into New Kings Palace 10,000 square feet - 1055 Laidlaw Ave
August 27th: FK Turns 2