Our Founder
“ You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”
- Genesis 50:20
Jordan Bankston
Forever Kings Inc. was founded in August 2019 by Jordan A. Bankston; also known as “JB”. JB was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio in several inner city communities across the region. He was raised by his mother and his maternal great grandmother. He accredits his strong value for spirituality, faith, and family to spending so much time around his great grandmother as a child. JB has lived his life trusting God to do the impossible! Forever Kings is just a small piece of the evidence of that.
Growing up with little to no visibility of positive male influences caused JB to struggle with becoming a man, having clarity with who he was, and not truly knowing how to navigate through life. As a pre-teen, teen, and even young adult JB spent a lot of time hurt, angry, broken, living in un-forgiveness, and trying to find himself until one day he decided that enough was enough and it was time to get healed. Bankston often says that it is in our greatest pain that we find our greatest purpose. JB knew that he was called to create a place for young men to heal and learn to become strong men; that space is what we now call Forever Kings.
One of JB’s greatest assets is his experiences. His life experiences allow him to relate to and properly understand the realities that the young men he is serving are facing. This is what allows him to truly create such a safe and transformational environment because he lived it.
JB overcame homeless, abuse, academic deficiencies, poverty, family incarceration, fatherlessness, and a host of other challenges and adversities but by God’s Grace he made it out. JB uses his story to inspire young people that they too are GREATER than their CIRCUMSTANCES.JB brings six years of leadership and training experience working with both at-risk and thriving youth across various roles within the community, ministry and academic lines of business, coupled with a strong focus on servant leadership and solid team development skills. Proven ability to analyze challenges, execute deliverables and leverage key performance indicators to help drive revenue.Some of JB’s former roles include a Technology Integration Coordinator at Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy, Children's Ministry Director at Citygate Church, Community Center Director with the Cincinnati Recreation Commission, A Director of Programming with the City of Dallas Parks and Recreation Department, Club Director for the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Cincinnati, Youth Director at Light of The World Church, and an educator with Cincinnati Public Schools.
JB says “I am daily thankful that I get to create a place where young men are able to show up as their most authentic selves and experience physical and emotional safety. I am deeply passionate about seeing the lives of young men transformed. I believe that this is the way we truly change our society (building strong men) who are equipped and prepared to be excellent husbands, fathers, and positive contributors to the community. We must disrupt the systems that prevent Boys and Young Men of Color from truly being successful. This starts with us stopping pretending that they don’t exist. We must face them head on to create a more equitable life experience for young men of color and show them that they can be even what they don’t see! I will continue to follow Christ’s leading as I continue to build capacity and infrastructure to serve more young men! I won’t stop until every young man knows they are born with a purpose for a purpose! They are FOREVER KINGS!